Create a collection

How to create a collection ?

Step 1: Collection Details

Step 2: NFT and Supply Details

Step 3: Minting Details.

Step 4: Preview

Generating your NFTs:

Creating NFTs for our platform follows a similar process to any blockchain. You will need basic programming skills, and the specifics of how you generate the images and attributes are up to you.

Generate your collection

The final folder structure should be organized as follows:

Important: Ensure that the .json file extensions are removed from all of your NFT metadata files, or the Smart Contract will not function properly!

collection.png - An image representing your entire collection
collection.json - Information about your collection
/metadata (JSON files)

Each JSON file for the NFT metadata should follow this format: โš ๏ธFor example, when creating a collection of 1,000 NFTs, ensure that your files are numbered sequentially, starting from 0 and ending at 999 โš ๏ธ

Note: Upload your images to storage first, then replace the base image URL in each JSON file.

  "image": "",
  "name": "Alphaga example #01",
  "attributes": [
      "trait_type": "Background",
      "value": "Invisible"
      "trait_type": "Logo",
      "value": "Dark"

Your collection.json file should look like this:

  "image": "",
  "cover": "",
  "name": "Alphaga example",
  "description": "This is an example."

Uploading files to permanent storage for Alphaga

To ensure your files are stored permanently, we recommend using the Arweave Blockchain. Arweave offers a user-friendly interface called ArDrive (, which simplifies the process. Unlike IPFS, Arweave does not require continuous payments to maintain file availability, making it a more reliable option.

Step-by-Step guide:

Create a public drive on ArDrive:

  1. Set up a new public drive on ArDrive. Note that you will need an Arweave wallet and a small amount of $AR to store your files. Upload Generated Images

  2. Upload the folder containing your generated images by selecting New -> Upload Folder.Within this images folder on ArDrive, create a new manifest by selecting New -> Advanced -> Manifest. Save the manifest inside the images folder. Obtain the Manifest URL

  3. Navigate to the manifest (it will appear on the last page within the folder). Click on Data Tx IDto open it in the explorer. Once the transaction is confirmed, right-click on the link ๐Ÿ”— symbol next to data and copy the link address. Use this URL (including the trailing slash) in the NFT generation code to create the metadata for your PNG files. Upload JSON Metadata

  4. Upload the new folder containing the JSON metadata files to a new folder in ArDrive. Create a manifest inside this metadata folder. Navigate to the manifest (found on the last page), click Data Tx ID to open it in the explorer. Right-click on the link ๐Ÿ”— symbol next to dataand copy the link address. Save this URL, as it will be used for the NFT Pathon the ALPHAGA collection creation page. Upload Collection Image

  5. Upload the collection image as a single file to the top level of the collection drive on ArDrive. Click on preview and copy the link (ensure it does not include the server computer number). Upload collection.json

  6. Upload your collection.json file to ArDrive. Click on preview and copy the link provided. This URL will serve as the Collection URLfor ALPHAGA. Paste it into the form under Collection URL. Verify Links

  7. Ensure you save both the NFT Path and Collection URLlinks in case you need to refresh them. Verify that the sample images (Collection Data, First NFT, and Last NFT) are displayed correctly on the form. If not, recheck the steps for any errors.

Last updated