About Alephium

To learn more about Alephium here the docs : https://docs.alephium.org/

What is Alephium ?

Alephium is engineered to tackle the prevalent issues of accessibility, scalability, and security faced by today's decentralized applications through its innovative technical architecture and user interfaces. Offering both programmability and heightened security, Alephium introduces a unique stateful UTXO model. This model achieves layer-1 scalability and offers a degree of programmability akin to Ethereum's account model, yet it enhances security.

Moreover, Alephium is designed to be eco-friendly, utilizing a Proof of Less Work (PoLW) mechanism. This innovative approach merges physical mining efforts with coin economics to adaptively reduce the computational work needed for mining new blocks. Under similar network conditions, Alephium's energy consumption is just a fraction of Bitcoin's, using only one-eighth of the energy.

Enhancing the blockchain's architecture, Alephium incorporates its bespoke VM, Alphred, to significantly advance the chain structure. This advancement addresses many critical challenges faced by existing dApp platforms, offering substantial improvements in security, the developer experience, and the introduction of novel concepts like trustless P2P smart contract transactions.

What is the current token of Alephium ?

The native currency of the Alephium network is the $ALPH Token, which serves multiple critical functions including staking, governance participation, transaction processing, execution of smart contracts, and distribution of rewards to validators.

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